Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Today I am trying to avoid posing questions to an empty room. The perfect solutions that I might seek simply do not exist.

Instead I make choices, the better of similarily bad decisions, taking sick children into the kind of blustery day that even Winnie the Pooh would have hidden away from behind honey pots. No raincoats or umbrellas, just a blanket tucked under bottoms and boots while Mommy pushes the jogging stroller through gusts and gales. All the while the carefully coiffed 2nd grader with the picture day payment in her backpack spits hair out of her mouth and wonders if her teacher will bring a comb or at least straighten the part above her freshly cut bangs. I'm more glad than ever that they were trimmed.

On the way home the traffic light is still green but the walking man ran away from the flashing red hand and I don't want my kids with coughs to be outside and blown about any longer than needed so I run across the street past the crossing guard who scolds me gently for my bad example, even though all he did was say, "Ah ah!" I explain to my kids that we need to hurry home.

So now I choose to listen to the trees shushing the world in this noisy library of a city. So much to learn about the decisions we make and the lessons are not as easy as we'd like. But I must study to show myself approved because it's windy out there and my heart needs to look more like our tall sturdy evergreen that hasn't fallen yet and we pray it never will.

God, sometimes I feel winded and breathless with the cold harsh realities that blast their way into my life. Help me, today, to be resolute and steadfast in all that You have called me to, knowing fully and believing that You give me the wisdom and grace I need to live for Your honor.


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