Thursday, August 28, 2014

Lovely Tangle?

This blog started out as an outlet for some of my more confused, anxious, and conflicted thoughts which, inevitably, turned into prayer-like discussions and rants with my Lord and best Friend. For the record, I'm certain that I have never audibly yelled at God. I won't say I haven't been tempted to. There is truly a fine faint line between contemplation and action when it comes to things we want to say to God and what we actually verbalize. The reason it's that, to His attentive ears and eyes, they are pretty much one and the same.

So this blog was born kind of flailing and screaming into this crazy world that is my life. My good husband and dear children have been both the inspiration and instigation of the open and honest words that I write here and, oftentimes, bravely share with you. Just think of it as me letting you eavesdrop on my conversations with Jesus. He doesn't mind and, most of the time, neither do I.

The thing one is likely to notice within a moment of reading is that I'm not a skilled devotional writer. I truly adore and admire anyone who can deftly apply scripture to their life experiences and make it relatable to the entire planetful of humans. My abilities lie elsewhere, and I would genuinely appreciate notification if anyone were to discover where that might be!

So, there you have it, not the best description of a blog you may have had the pleasure of reviewing, but it's what it is. A lovely tangle of partially woven strands of life, emotion, experiences, memories, understandings, and grapplings. And, most importantly, this is my earnest cry: Lord, help me!


Monday, August 18, 2014

Messy Loves

This sticky hot afternoon I came home from work, a little mental-battle-weary and pride-scuffed. When I opened the door I saw our youngest smiling at me through a thin sheen of evaporated sweat and pen-ink circles around his eyes, his cheeks, and lines over his mouth.


I was more than a little confused by this until I saw the perfectly detailed bone drawings on his arms and, as he would later reveal with wicked pleasure, his legs. His older brother was, apparently, equally decorated. Not really understanding what my response should be and, quite truthfully, wondering where my good husband was during this mash-up moment of art and iniquity, I simply continued my briefly interrupted sojourn into the kitchen where I assembled the kind of taco salad that bandages and covers hurt feelings so deliciously well. Later I would consume more stale kettle corn than anyone should ever ingest in one sitting.

(Speaking of sitting, our recent hike-in camping trip bestowed upon my fatigued form a sore souvenir when I slipped and landed squarely on my posterior. I miss sitting...)

Since more than four hours have passed from pulling into our driveway, I've had plenty of time to reflect on the goodness of God, His great love for me, and His purpose for my life. But, regrettably, I haven't allowed a single one of those truths enter into my thoughts. Instead, I know I have been dwelling on murkier musings, things that I lack enough information to draw a proper conclusion, and things that have cluttered my mind unchecked for too long. And yet, God's truths always prevail and, once again, His love for me looks past the mess and sees the one He adores, values, and treasures, much to my incomprehension.

I suppose this is why I simply asked my good husband if he had anything to say about the kids having their skeletons diagramed on their bodies. He just smiled a bit and said he didn't say anything about it. So neither will I.

Lord, I am so grateful for Your messy loves, not just these dear little ones who perplex me with their naughty curiosity, nor my good husband who confuses me with his contrasting personality, but all of Your preciously imperfect children. I need to be reminded that my disorderly life is no surprise to You but Your Spirit of Peace and Patience is the best guide with which to view my chaos. This proves to me, every moment of every day, how much I desperately need You. And I know I do. I really do!


Friday, August 1, 2014

Praying my Guts Out

I've got to be honest. I am not a big fan of advertising my flaws, wearing my humanity inside-out. Most of the time, I keep all of that prudishly hidden and, yes, I kind of do judge those who aren't as discreet as I am. But I also kind of judge those who never let any struggle be seen. Frankly, I try to be moderate so I can continue to put my best and prettiest face forward while giving the appearance of confiding and spilling my guts out. Nope, just kidding. I don't.

This is how I am with praying out loud. I can say some truthful and somewhat raw things when I pray in a group, with my kids, or alone with my husband. But it's not all of it. Maybe it's not supposed to be, although David was quite terribly shameless in his Psalms. Oh, if I could be as bravely humble as David. Perhaps it was easier because he threw it all into songs, like Taylor Swift. Every messy bit of his life was belted out in a little rant-like petition. Yeah, I should write more prayer songs. Or just sing them. To an audience of One.

Dear God,

"Where can I go from Your Spirit?..." Nowhere, really. And I'm actually thankful for that. It's pretty hard to find friends who are so unconditionally loving and faithful, and won't condemn me for my mistakes. And I am embarrassed to admit that I am not that kind of friend, much of the time. I try to be but trusting is hard, especially when I am just minutes away from my next failure. Life hasn't been easy, lately, and I've been asking a lot of scary questions about You. The answers should be as obvious as Your Word but I'm not the best at remembering what I already know to be true. "Help me overcome my unbelief." That sums it up, right now.

~ Glory