Monday, March 14, 2011


There isn't a single patch of blue sky to be seen on this very windy Monday morning here in the Pacific NorthWest. Much like my heart, at times, gasping for hope and desperate for respite from the relentless pressures and strains of life, a heavy grey canopy hangs in a messy heap far above my reach. And then I see it, ever so briefly darting between tufts of vaporous clouds, faint but sure as mercy and love: a glimmer of light.

Why does my heart so quickly forget the kindness and care of my faithful Father who watches over all that I do and say? Do the cloudy days of monotonous tasks and responsibilities really overshadow my vision of a love that never lets me go? Are the storms of life so wild and menacing that the shelter of His wings tremble and ruffle amid the gusts and gales? Does the steady dripping rain so erode my faith that I struggle hard to believe that "whatever is good and perfect comes down to us from God our Father, who created all the lights in the heavens, that He never changes or casts a shifting shadow?" (James 1:17) NO! Because, even in the dark times and shadow-cast places of my heart there is a bright glimmer of His truth and righteousness that shines for all of life and eternity.

Dearest Lord, today I need Your light to shine into those dark and shadow-cast places of my heart. Show me where my faith has dimmed and flickered with the change-winds. I ask You to reveal the hope that is sure and abiding, that while I am yet a great sinner, You are indeed a great Savior and Your grace abounds to me every day.


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