Monday, April 18, 2011


Our second girl loves to use mouthwash. Not the kiddies rinse, either. The cringe and swish quickly kind of mouthwash. For years she's called it "fresh." We like her names for things and adopt them into our family vocabulary, sometimes permanently. So today, with the April showers watering flowers (I just had to!) the word "fresh" is swashing over my thoughts.

When I stepped on the bathroom scale, this morning, I saw a number I've been waiting to see for weeks, now. Keeping in mind that I have not gone to great excruciating lengths to shed any weight at this point, what I saw was encouraging and refreshing on a level I haven't felt for more than a year. Like a Spring rain shower, my heart was washed over with a joy and contentment that felt really cleansing and restorative. And this one single truth hasn't left my mind: it's all God! God who strengthens me, sustains me, satisfies me, fills me, and empowers me! And the more I seek after Him the better equipped and more fit I will be for His service and His work!

"Taste and see that the LORD is good. Oh, the joys of those who take refuge in him!" Psalm 34:8

God, thank You! You have truly blessed my heart and flooded me with Your joy! And I will take delight and pleasure in Your Word and Your sweet presence. Thank You for allowing me to experience this little victory and I ask now that You would help me to be faithful to the commitments that Your have directed me to make. Please give me a clear mind and a steadfast heart to know that You are good, that You give me fresh joy and that I can find refuge and safety and comfort in You! I give You praise and adoration for this undeserved blessing to my soul!


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